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商品详细StressMarq/Anti-PSD95 Antibody [7E3]/SMC-123D-A565/100-µg
StressMarq/Anti-PSD95 Antibody [7E3]/SMC-123D-A565/100-µg
StressMarq/Anti-PSD95 Antibody [7E3]/SMC-123D-A565/100-µg
商品编号: SMC-123D-A565
市场价: ¥6400.00
美元价: 3840.00
产地: 美国(厂家直采)
产品分类: 酸碱缓冲液
公司分类: acid_base_buffer_solution
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com


Product Name PSD95 Antibody

Mouse Anti-Rat PSD95 Monoclonal IgG1

Species Reactivity Human, Mouse, Rat, Bovine
Applications WB, IHC, ICC/IF, AM
Antibody Dilution WB (1:1000), IHC (1:1000), ICC/IF (1:100); optimal dilutions for assays should be determined by the user.
Host Species Mouse
Immunogen Species Rat
Immunogen Recombinant rat PSD-95
Concentration 1 mg/ml
Conjugates Alkaline Phosphatase, APC, ATTO 390, ATTO 488, ATTO 565, ATTO 594, ATTO 633, ATTO 655, ATTO 680, ATTO 700, Biotin, FITC, HRP, PE/ATTO 594, PerCP, RPE, Streptavidin, Unconjugated


Storage Buffer PBS pH7.4, 50% glycerol, 0.09% sodium azide
Storage Temperature -20ºC
Shipping Temperature Blue Ice or 4ºC
Purification Protein G Purified
Clonality Monoclonal
Clone Number 7E3
Isotype IgG1
Specificity Detects ~100kDa. An additional protein of >100kDa is also detected. Additional cross-reactive bands are detected at ~75kDa and 50kDa in rat and mouse samples.
Cite This Product StressMarq Biosciences Cat# SMC-123, RRID: AB_2253150
Certificate of Analysis 1 µg/ml was sufficient for detection of PSD-95 on 20 µg rat brain tissue extract by ECL immunoblot analysis using Goat Anti-Mouse IgG: HRP as the secondary.

Biological Description

Alternative Names PSD 95 Antibody, PSD-95 Antibody, DLG4 Antibody, SAP90 Antibody, Synapse-associated protein 90 Antibody, Postsynaptic density protein 95 Antibody, Disks large homolog 4 Antibody
Research Areas Cell Markers, Cell Signaling, Cell Structure, Neuron Markers, Neuroscience, Organelle Markers, Post-Synaptic Markers, Postsynaptic Markers
Cellular Localization Axon, Cell Junction, Cell membrane, Cell projection, Postsynaptic cell membrane, Postsynaptic density, Synapse
Accession Number NP_062567.1
Gene ID 29495
Swiss Prot P31016
Scientific Background Postsynaptic Density protein 95 (PSD95), also known as Synapse associated protein 90kDa, is a member of the membrane-associated guanylate kinase (MAGUK) family of proteins. PSD95 is a scaffolding protein and is involved in the assembly and function of the postsynaptic density complex (1). These family members consist of an N-terminal variable segment followed by three amino-terminal PDZ domains, an upstream SH3 domain and an inactive carboxyl-terminal guanylate kinase (GK) domain. The first and second PDZ domain localize NMDA receptors and K+ channels to synapses, and the third binds to neuroligins which are neuronal cell adhesion molecules that interact with b-neurexins and form intercellular junctions. PSD-95 also binds to neuronal nitric oxide synthase, possibly through interactions between PDZ domains present on both proteins (2). Thus different PDZ domains of PSD-95 might be specialized for distinct functions (3, 4). PSD95 participates in synaptic targeting of AMPA receptors through an indirect manner involving Stargazin and related transmembrane AMPA receptor regulatory proteins (TARPs) (5). The protein is implicated in experience dependent plasticity and plays an indispensable role in learning (6). Mutations in PSD95 are associated with autism (7).
References 1. Chetkovich D.M., Bunn R.C., Kuo S.H., Kawasaki Y., Kohwi M., and Bredt D.S. (2002) J Neurosci. 22(15): 6415-25.
2. Cao J., Viholainen J.I., Dart C., Warwick H.K., Levland M.L. and Courtney M.J. (2005) J Cell Biol. 168(1): 117-26.
3. Kennedy M. (1997) Trends in Neurosci. 6: 264-268.
4. Irie M. et al. (1997) Science 277(5331): 1511-5.
5. Cai C. et al. (2006) J Biol Chem. 281: 4267-73.
6. Yao W.D. et al. (2004) Neuron 41: 625-38.
7. Cline H. (2005) Curr Biol. 15: R203-5.

Product Images

<p>Immunohistochemistry analysis using Mouse Anti-PSD95 Monoclonal Antibody, Clone 7E3 (SMC-123). Tissue: Neocortex. Species: Rat. Primary Antibody: Mouse Anti-PSD95 Monoclonal Antibody (SMC-123) at 1:1000.</p>

Immunohistochemistry analysis using Mouse Anti-PSD95 Monoclonal Antibody, Clone 7E3 (SMC-123). Tissue: Neocortex. Species: Rat. Primary Antibody: Mouse Anti-PSD95 Monoclonal Antibody (SMC-123) at 1:1000.

<p>Immunocytochemistry/Immunofluorescence analysis using Mouse Anti-PSD95 Monoclonal Antibody, Clone 7E3 (SMC-123). Tissue: HaCaT cells. Species: Human. Fixation: Cold 100% methanol for 10 minutes at -20°C. Primary Antibody: Mouse Anti-PSD95 Monoclonal Antibody (SMC-123) at 1:100 for 1 hour at RT. Secondary Antibody: FITC Goat Anti-Mouse (green) at 1:50 for 1 hour at RT. Localization: Filamentouslike staining.</p>

Immunocytochemistry/Immunofluorescence analysis using Mouse Anti-PSD95 Monoclonal Antibody, Clone 7E3 (SMC-123). Tissue: HaCaT cells. Species: Human. Fixation: Cold 100% methanol for 10 minutes at -20°C. Primary Antibody: Mouse Anti-PSD95 Monoclonal Antibody (SMC-123) at 1:100 for 1 hour at RT. Secondary Antibody: FITC Goat Anti-Mouse (green) at 1:50 for 1 hour at RT. Localization: Filamentouslike staining.

<p>Immunohistochemistry analysis using Mouse Anti-PSD95 Monoclonal Antibody, Clone 7E3 (SMC-123). Tissue: backskin. Species: Mouse. Fixation: Bouin’s Fixative and paraffin-embedded. Primary Antibody: Mouse Anti-PSD95 Monoclonal Antibody (SMC-123) at 1:100 for 1 hour at RT. Secondary Antibody: FITC Goat Anti-Mouse (green) at 1:50 for 1 hour at RT. Localization: Basal cell staining in the epidermis, some hair follicle staining, dermal staining.</p>

Immunohistochemistry analysis using Mouse Anti-PSD95 Monoclonal Antibody, Clone 7E3 (SMC-123). Tissue: backskin. Species: Mouse. Fixation: Bouin’s Fixative and paraffin-embedded. Primary Antibody: Mouse Anti-PSD95 Monoclonal Antibody (SMC-123) at 1:100 for 1 hour at RT. Secondary Antibody: FITC Goat Anti-Mouse (green) at 1:50 for 1 hour at RT. Localization: Basal cell staining in the epidermis, some hair follicle staining, dermal staining.

<p>Western Blot analysis of Rat brain membrane lysate showing detection of PSD95 protein using Mouse Anti-PSD95 Monoclonal Antibody, Clone 7E3 (SMC-123). Primary Antibody: Mouse Anti-PSD95 Monoclonal Antibody (SMC-123) at 1:1000.</p>

Western Blot analysis of Rat brain membrane lysate showing detection of PSD95 protein using Mouse Anti-PSD95 Monoclonal Antibody, Clone 7E3 (SMC-123). Primary Antibody: Mouse Anti-PSD95 Monoclonal Antibody (SMC-123) at 1:1000.

Product Citations (2)

Other Citations

Biomarker Analysis with Grating Coupled Surface Plasmon Coupled Fluorescence.

Mendoza, A., Dias, J.A., Zeltner, T. and Lawrence, D.A. (2014) J Adv Bio & Biotech. 1(1): 1-22.

PubMed ID: N/A Reactivity Human Applications: Antibody Microarray

Biomarker Analysis with Grating Coupled Surface Plasmon Coupled Fluorescence.

Mendoza, A., Dias, J.A., Zeltner, T. and Lawrence, D.A. (2014) J Adv Bio & Biotech. 1(1): 1-22.

PubMed ID: N/A Reactivity Mouse Applications: Antibody Microarray

 ATTO 565

  • High fluorescence yield
  • High thermal and photostability
  • Good solubility in polar solvents
  • Excellent solubility in water
  • Very little aggregation
  • Rhodamine dye derivative
  • Molar Mass: 611 g/mol

ATTO 565 Datasheet

 ATTO 565 Fluorophore Excitation and Emission SpectraOptical Properties:

λex = 563 nm

λem = 592 nm

εmax = 1.2×105

Φf = 0.9

τfl = 3.4 n

Brightness = 10

Laser = 532 nm

Filter set = TRITC


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